Category: Creative

Minimal Black Photography 5 Examples

Desaturate Green, Blue, Aqua and Purple Less saturate Red, Yellow and Orange Try to figure out what to do with Magenta Or reverse the above This all  leads to my experimentations with Minimal Black Photography I actually discovered this by accident, just browsing photos on the internet. I also...

Texture, 6 Refreshing Ideas

Adding Texture To My Photos I have just recently starting to update some of my photos to give them a little pop with textures. Below is one I took for a class, of oranges. For this photo I took a texture from a collection I bought called Mystical Lights...

4 Creative Photography Ideas

Simple Alluring Post Processing Creative Photography Creative is what YOU call creative, not what someone else does. Your result could be a simple change,  something utterly strange or merely alluring. You may have seen my previous post  5 Intriquing Creative  In Camera Photography Ideas – With Detailed Photos. In...

Not 4 Color

B&W, 2 & 3 Color, Sepia Tones & Minimal Black Can Be Effortless In other words, changing a 4 color photo to Not 4 Color. Well, maybe not completely effortless, but if its not worth the effort . . . I know many of my peers are into B&W...

5 Intriguing In Camera Creative Photography Ideas With Detailed Photos

Creative Photography Simplified What is creative photography?  It is anything you shoot that is unusual or special.  It is any photo you modify to make it unusual or special.  Whether it has been done before or not is not relevant.  Whether you copy someone else’s idea or not, is...

1st Outlandish Step Into Creative Photography

1st Outlandish Step Into Creative Photography What is creative photography?   There are many definitions, but for me it is anything I do, in this case post processing, to change the original photograph to something different.  It could an addition of something that was not there or a removal of...